Stipan Tadić
Bio: Stipan Tadić was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1986. He finished his MA in Painting, graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2011. He earned his MFA at Columbia University School of the Arts, Visual Arts Department in 2020. His first solo show was in 2009 and has since participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Besides painting, he has executed several murals in public spaces, in Croatia and abroad. Tadić has also been engaged in the world of independent comic books, publishing his work around Europe since 2014. He is the co-organizer of the Biennial exhibition of Antisalon in Zagreb, which began in 2008. Tadić is the recipient of several awards, domestic and international. Currently, he is living and working in Brooklyn, New York.
Instagram: @stipan.tadic
Thesis Exhibition

L to R: Park (78" x 60", Oil on canvas, 2021); Room (78" x 60", Oil on canvas, 2021)