Zhiqian Wang
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: There is no logical ground for me to predict how long my life will remain; whether death or the next rising sun comes first is uncertain. Day after day, it seems to me that the sun rises again and again, yet I am still alive. It confuses me. At a certain point in my life, I began to question if death and the rising sun are an inevitable destiny or simply a choice. So I started my journey to find an answer, but I wasn’t sure how to begin.
Zhiquan Wang
Untitled, 2023
Ink and color on silk
Courtesy of the artist
Dimension Reduction of 3D Information, 2023
Ink and color on paper
Courtesy of the artist
Counterfactual Dependence Between a Man and a Horse, 2023
Ink and color on silk
Courtesy of the artist
White Butterfly on the Wooden Cradle, Waiting, For the Next Storm to Come, 2023
Ink and color on silk
Courtesy of the artist
First Year Exhibition

Zhiqian Wang
Bright Light Bursting at the Eternal End, the Past Memories of Someone Solidifies as an Endless Process of Passing Through a Tunnel, 2023
Applewood sawdust, sound 10" x 6" x 4"
Courtesy the artist