Young Min Park
Bio: Youngmin Park is an artist born in Seoul, Korea who is living and working in New York City. She received her BFA from Korea National University of Arts and is a candidate for an MFA at Columbia University, expected 2024. Park magnifies the fragility of narratives created through perception and contemplation, revealing their susceptibility to errors and illusions. Memory, vulnerable to distortions, inaccuracies, and gradual fading over time, undergoes reconstruction and alteration upon recall.
Instagram @_mae_ee
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: My interest in the fragility of perception and memory, stems from my childhood as the youngest in a large family, with three generations and dozens of animals under one roof. This experience placed me in the middle of an intricate power dynamic of both human and animals. An experience of never being able to see everything that happens concurrently when in a large group gave rise to fundamental doubts about the nature of experience, cognition, and memory. To highlight the inherent limitations of our understandings, recurring elements morph in different combinations and situations, taking in the persona of each other. The parallax of gaze in the connected and disconnected images also contribute to the nonlinear storytelling. Through this play of confusion, viewers are challenged to connect the narrative dots in the skewed time and space of the enigmatic world.
Young Min Park
Juggling mind, 2024
Oil on paper, wood collage
Courtesy of the artist
Red Herring #2, 2024
Oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist
Red Herring #1, 2024
Oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist
First Year Exhibition

Young Min Park
Chance, Faith, Blank, 2023
Oil on linen
52" x 84"
Courtesy the artist