Stephen Stallings
Bio: Steven Stallings Cárdenas is an artist based out of New York City. During his undergrad years, he studied music composition and jazz drumming for the first three years, transferred schools and programs, and graduated with a BFA with an emphasis in New Genre from BYU, Utah.
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: I’m interested in Magical Realism with Surrealist thinking, writing, and visual making in the ways a subject such as a trio of paintbrushes, a taco, and/or AI can create meaning (for themselves or help the viewers, such as me and you) out of significant events and the changing imag- es and language and physical and metaphysical materials that are used to pair with such events/moments are used in symbolic ways to create links, in the form of a scratch on a rock, (a) letter(s) that can unveil love, significance, worlds within our shared-individualized imaginations & realness in space of an ellipses, a screensaver, an abandoned warehouse and/or planet earth mapped space, with the ability to create complete subjects/objects/re- ality-in-a-single hiccup~sneeze (a space- time container with unlimited potentiality for multiplicities of things/thoughts can through-in–out) whilst creating new ex- panded laws of physics, connecting these micro/macro moments/happenings with the relational gift that is shared language - used to discuss and reveal from the per- spective of the possibility of what we may consciously perceive in wholeness, par- tialities, fragments, bits, bots, composi- tional elements, perform(ers and ances), and/or sacred traditions, introducing and mixing worldings to push back & against complete completely stable objectivity– creating hybrid signifiers that possibly link me and you, and them, and us, to a more grounded real shared world where we have bodies and systems, and possibly, with small pockets of joy.
Steven Stallings Cárdenas
Language Machines with Ghost Computational, 2024
Courtesy of the artist
First Year Exhibition

Steven Stallings
Land Escapes, 2023
Blue note house paint on canvas, drum sticks, ceramics, found wood, blocks on 4 panels, Timbales and Timbale sticks, Mic and speaker, performance-video on monitor
86" x 74" x 60"
15:30 minutes
Courtesy the artist