Cecilia Caldiera
Bio: Cecilia Caldiera is a New York-based interdisciplinary artist whose work explores questions surrounding possible futures and repetitive pasts. She creates compositions using traces of industry that allude to bodies navigating space.
Instagram: @ceciliaaaaaaaaa__
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: Like memory, language is a material that has the desire to accumulate.
My souvenirs have come from above and below, in the periphery and outside the grid. I look down at the folded potential—but hesitate to touch the pieces so as not to affect the speed of the approaching crisis. Petrification elevates the profane.
A crease cannot be undone. It can, however, be integrated. We became part of it, the illusion of division is gone. A restructuring that retains the memory of our actions and mistakes. So maybe—new folds can mean a resurrected story. A passenger from another time. A malleable exchange. The fold creates an opportunity for the beginning and end to touch each other in a way they have been longing to since the path was originally planned. We can mostly agree that the world is round and has the desire to swallow its tail.
Hold your breath when you hold your souvenirs.
We Have Been Here Before (144" x 300" x 96", Steel, paper, ceramic, wood, plastic and found objects, 2023)
First Year Exhibition

L to R: Instar-1 (13" x 5" x 4", Steel, 2022); Instar-2 (13" x 5" x 4", Steel, 2022); Exo-2 (63" x 22" x 9", Wood, steel, resin, acrylic, oil, lead-free solder, 2022); Instar-3 (13" x 5" x 4", Steel, 2022); Instar-4 (13" x 5" x 4", Steel, 2022); Exo-2 (63" x 22" x 9", Wood, steel, resin, acrylic, oil, lead-free solder, 2022)