Breeze Li
Bio: Breeze Li was born in Sichuan China in 1996. Breeze is a painter, and tries to paint as she sees the exterior and interior reality as a harmonious one. In her works, she is pondering on the mystery of things. She tries to embody the experienced reality as a constant disintegration and reformation.
Instagram: @li.breeze
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: The world we are living in is a mystery. We experience the world as something real, yet we can not comprehend where the realness come from. Despite the lack of comprehension, somehow we know the mystery itself and its significance. I paint to embody this mysterious experience that can only be said in paradox: frailty can be strong, yet being strong is precarious; formation leads to deformation, and deformation is the start of formation of something else. All can be brought to unity in a painting, image and material, external appearance and internal experience.
L to R: Bricks (38” x 6”, Oil on canvas, 2022); Curb (20” x 60”, Oil on canvas, 2022); Water (72” x 48”, Oil on canvas, 2022); Tower (72” x 48”, Oil on canvas, 2022); Chair (26” x 24”, Oil on canvas, 2022)
First Year Exhibition

L to R: Morning and Afternoon (11” x 14”, Oil on canvas, 2021); Between (48” x 60”, Oil on canvas, 2021)