Jonathan Harris
Bio: Jonathan Harris is an artist whose work uses objects, sound, and space as tools to explore psychological and perceptual phenomena. This work typically involves the creation of environments that embrace sound as a physical medium and investigate its engagement with architecture and the listener. It often takes the form of site-specific installations whose sonic elements evolve without notions of beginning and end, allowing audiences the freedom to engage with a given composition as one might with sculpture or image, with the belief that spatial composition—given sound’s constancy, and the way we use hearing as a means of making sense of the physical environments we inhabit—has the unique ability to provoke listening practices that can facilitate reengagement with our real-world habitats.
Jonathan has presented this work in group shows and at gallery spaces in greater NY, the Hudson Valley, and the Catskills, including Fridman Gallery, Wallach Art Gallery, Mount Tremper Arts, various ChaShaMa exhibition spaces, and the Neuberger Museum. Recently, Jonathan completed a large-scale public sound installation, Sunpath, currently on display under the campus arcades at SUNY Purchase in Westchester County, NY.
Instagram: @iwoulddyne4u
Thesis Exhibition

Untitled (Viscera), (Dimensions variable, Birch, flax, linen, cyanoacrylate, methylcellulose, and sound, 2022)
First Year Exhibition

cartographies iii/b (placeling); phosphenes ii/a-d (84” x 84” x 108”, Mixed hardwoods, poplar, beeswax, gouache, stone, rubber, felt, silicone, wax paper, ink, acrylic, spackling compound, waxed cord, sound, 2021).