Jeremy Z. Qin
Bio: Jeremy Z. Qin is a photographer and filmmaker based in Shanghai. In his photographs, water is seen as a metamorphic concept in place of the particular yet ambiguous in the world, such as a sense of belonging, cultural identity, social codes, class and so on.
Instagram: @zimingqin
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: This loosely narrative short film allegorizes an individual’s mental response to the escalating global economy and its related issues. The story revolves around a character who lives on a production set where people have to work for water. One day he finds himself in a water outage, leading to him leaving the studio with a water hose in hope to find water elsewhere.
Derealized Water (18:10 minutes, Single-channel video, color, 2022)
First Year Exhibition

Untitled (16” X 20” each, 13 Digital photos, 2021)