Anthony Sertel Dean
Bio: My sounds and artworks have been experienced in theater (Kennedy Center, New Victory Theater, Public Theater, The Kitchen), film (Film at Lincoln Center, Busan International Film Festival), radio (WNYC, Night Vale Presents) and installations (Fridman Gallery, City of Middletown, CT). My use of synthesis, digital fabrication, oral history, and light appear throughout my practice, and they can be found in multiple pieces around the gallery—thanks to the many lovely artists I get to share stories with.
I am a New York Neo-Futurist, the company’s technical director, and creator/producer of our podcast Hit Play.
Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement: Anthony Sertel Dean is me: hello! I am a sound artist, composer, and media maker focused on telling stories of community and self. My works start in conversation—a mutual curiosity or fascination with a topic, one that may carry us closer together. From there, we play, in the hope that play sets forth a place of good. I call myself a hyper-collaborator, in part because of the relationships I’ve formed while making art as a means of discovery and joy. The sounds generated in these collaborations often center the voice intertwined with electroacoustic compositions, resonating outwardly to help shape space and resonating internally to help find self.
My work thrives when intimate connections are made internally and collectively; I embrace openness and experimentation in communications through culture and technology. These works exist as publicly as radio broadcasts and as privately as personal messages sent through a telephone, sharing amongst them a common motivation to bring listeners together. There is an intention of support that carries throughout my practice: the support of others, joy, exploration and revelation, for I believe that collaboration is innate in cultivating a greater community.
Untitled Phone Booth Project # (23" x 34.5", Booth, phone, plastic coins, voices, you, 2022)
First Year Exhibition

mothbox (17” x 14”, Wooden box with four speakers, resin cocoon, LED. Moth sounds and human voices, 2021)