Sergio Miguel
Bio: Sergio Miguel (Mexicali, 1992) is a Mexican-born artist based in New York. Informed by colonial and modern Mexican art as well as the New Objectivity, his work explores ideas of personhood, symbolism, and sexuality.
Instagram: @sarujiro
Thesis Exhibition

L to R: Casta, (10.04" x 8.07," Oil on copper, 2021); Vibora Criolla, (59.05" x 70.87," Oil on canvas, 2021); Coyote Castizo, (12.20" x 7.28," Oil on wood, found Mexican tin frame, 2019); Tente en el ayre / Bodeguita, (36.61" x 47.64," Oil on canvas, 2020)
First Year Exhibition
Retrato de la señorita Alexia Verytia-Rubio, (75 x 35 in, Oil on canvas, 2020)