Rosana Cabán

Thesis Exhibition

Artist Statement:
I am not a sound artist.

No soy un artista de sonido

As a touring musician and music producer, I learned to consider the audience experience without compromising my work and my perspective. I bring that same approach to my installations and sound sculptures.

I am not a technology fetishist.

No soy fetichista de tecnología

Every aspect of an installation is a part of my work; the cables on the floor, the gaff tape, the wires, the laptop, and the max patches. I will hide them when I can, or I will expose them when there is a conceptual value in doing so.

I am not an experimental music composer.

No soy compositora de música experimental

Using the human voice, synthesizers, drones, samplers, and rhythms are all part of my practice. Nurturing the echo chamber of self indulgent sound art listening sessions is not.

I am an angry dyke.

Soy una bucha encojonada

I create autobiographical works that respond to both religion and the imposed heteronormative structures that define power dynamics within queer relationships. I address conservatism, performativity, and social class constructs in and around queer communities through my work as a means of disidentification and reorientation.

I'm drumming, I'm drumming (72" x 72" x 48", Sound sculpture, 2021)


Henry Anker


Lauren Covey