Bio: Xirin is a performance artist whose work reclaims romantic tropes, emphasizing the ways idealistic notions of attachment cause pain. She often uses the form of the duet to explore how larger social power structures locate themselves within intimate relationships. Recently, Xirin has performed at The Jewish Museum, Knockdown Center, and Pioneer Works. Her writing is included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Her work has been featured in publications such as Pitchfork, Vestoj, and PAPER magazine. Alongside Kembra Pfahler, she frequently organizes performance art events in New York, known as Incarnata Social Club.
Thesis Exhibition

L to R: Chambre (Esteban Jefferson & Xirin Collaborative 35mm photograph, 2018) ; Hope Eats the Soul (Xirin & Sebastian, Live performance and film Photograph by Antonio Barrera, 2019)